Amanda Horak & Parker Miele
Staff Writers
Hi! We are here to answer questions that students have submitted to us via Google Forms. We are here to take your responses and give advice about them to make you feel better about your certain situation!
Recently, we have asked the student body the following question: “What questions do you have about high school or do you have any specific stresses towards high school?” We received multiple responses to this question. Most of which included answers about the upcoming CBAs, grades, college, and AP classes.
One of the more popular topics was about the recent CBAs and how they are “very stressful.” We definitely understand the stress of CBA’s, but they can easily be overcome. If you start planning for the CBA early, you won’t have to cram and study. It’s also helpful to start studying early because we have other classes with other tests and assignments making it more difficult to study the night before. You won’t ever know when a random assignment will pop up and be due the day before your CBA.
Another popular topic was how taking multiple AP classes at once can be stressful. Others wondered if it was necessary to take at least one to two APs during high school. Being seniors, we have had our share of taking multiple AP classes at once. It is difficult to manage, but when you are assigned something, definitely start it as soon as possible. Having these multiple AP classes is totally unnecessary, but it is recommended to have that rigorous schedule each year for colleges to be able to see you didn’t slack off during high school. Make sure to do your AP classwork on time and don’t stress! All of us are going through the same thing with each of our classes.
We know how stressful AP classes and CBAs can be! Just make sure to stay calm, study ahead of time, and do your work as soon as possible!