Thursday, October 27, 2016

Jelly’s Corner (October Edition)

Dear Jelly,

With the SATs approaching, can you give us a list of DOs and DON’TS? Also, what is the best present you've ever gotten?
-Junior Struggles

Dear Junior Struggles,
Thank you for being our first question!
 This is a difficult question to answer because it’s hard to say if anyone really knows the right response. However, from our personal experiences, we have managed to create a list of DOs and DON'TS for approaching the SAT.
 First, don't stress about the SAT; you will get into college, and a bad score isn't the end of the world. Second, take advantage of the free study tools that the College Board has to offer, because they will help you a lot. Lastly, don't be the person who always talks about the SAT; you stress out everyone around you.

Kelly Hyland: The best present I have ever received is the opportunity to give advice in Jelly’s corner.
Joseph Giunta: The best present I have ever received is my MacBook #justnewhopethings
Jelly’s Corner

Ask Jelly: If you have any questions about life, school or anything you want! Please send them to  and we will answer them in the next issue of the Lion’s Tale.