Gretchen Newman
Staff Writer
With the Coronavirus outbreak, schools are closing all around the world. School work is becoming online so that germs are not spreading around in public. Students get excited that they do not have to wake up early and get ready for school but on the other hand, there is a virus spreading around and most people are quarantined into their house. Although it is a lesser risk on younger kids, parents do not want their kids bringing back anything into their house.
Some online school work is optional and when a student sees optional they most likely are not going to want to do it. Being stuck inside all day, the smarter decision would be to keep up with your school work. For seniors, it is a concern they are not going to have their last senior prom or a normal graduation on time. Students participating in spring sports are all disappointed that their season they have been training for is now cancelled.
Coronavirus is no joke. The fact the actions are being taken with much caution shows how serious this all is. Staying inside where you can not spread or receive germs in the cleanest option you can do right now. Always keep hand sanitizer around and stay clean!