Friday, September 23, 2016

Tips from a senior: focus on yourself

Elizabeth Both

High school is a time to make relationships, and most of them will probably not last entirely after graduation. Friendships tend to fade away: switching cliques is inevitable while others have stuck together since elementary school. As a senior, I’ve gone through a ridiculous amount of friend drama--not just including people from this high school. What I can tell lower classmen is don’t expect to stick with your same “group” that you have now. It’s taken four years for me to find a wide range of people that I feel comfortable with.
 Honestly, now with the fear of deadlines, time management, and that dreaded phrase Where do you want to go to college? The time for petty friend drama (one large example is “lunch tables”) has hit a close for me. Life is short, and as much as I hated going through sophomore and junior year, I got through it. It may seem like decades are spent inside this building, but winter will pass sooner than you think and graduation will be right around the corner.
 Boyfriends and girlfriends are a completely different situation. New Hope’s small-there’s no denying it. Rumors spread quickly. Whatever happens over a weekend is usually spread around the school and is manipulated into something much bigger than it ever was. From my personal experience all I have to say is this, don’t do something you will end up regretting. Take the time to prepare yourself (concerts, an event with meeting new people, basically anything outside of your comfort zone) and make sure in the end you won’t be getting hurt physically, mentally and emotionally. Being spontaneous is awesome, but double checking your reasoning doesn’t hurt.

 Mistakes are going to happen in highschool but the best thing you can do is learn from them, But keep in mind that high school is not everything and that there’s a crazy, large world outside of Bucks County. Find a balance of courses that challenge you and a group of friends that you feel comfortable with: if something feels wrong, speak up. Whether it's four years or a few mere months left of highschool, take the time to still focus on yourself and what you’re looking for in a friendship or relationship.